(8th and 9th October 2022)
What a fabulous weekend for a Rose Show. The weather was perfect and although there was some rain in the week prior, it didn’t seem to affect the roses. Congratulations and thankyou to everyone who made the effort and entered roses into the show. Especially those who helped out after I called begging for more entrants. We ended up with 26 EXHIBITORS in the 2022 Spring Show including 4 children.
The total number of ENTRIES recorded was 194 including adjustments for late entries, and withdrawals; this was down from 242 in 2021.
The Place Cards were prepared prior to the Show and all entries who placed 1st, 2nd or 3rd received their place cards. There is still a surplus of written place cards which will be used for the 2023 shows and beyond. All other supplies are well stocked and in order. The Show Crate is stored in our home in Woodvale. I also have a copy of the Modern Roses, in the crate.
I have handed a list of the Major Awards and also the Champion of Show Awards to the Treasurer so that he can prepare the payments which will be presented at the November 2022 General meeting.
Special acknowledgement needs to be passed onto Ian and his team who set the hall up on Friday afternoon; to Ian and Robyn, for distributing and collecting the signs advertising the show throughout the metropolitan area; and also, to Jenny and her many helpers in the Kitchen who provided beautiful food, including sandwiches, sausage rolls, slices and cakes to both the general public at very reduced prices and also the many volunteers who worked over the weekend.
I would like to thank Pam Kidd and Stuart Tindall for their assistance during the Show. Thankyou everyone for your support.
Following is a list of:
Major Awards for 2022 Spring Show, - awarded a mix of trophy, money, certificates and sashes
Winners of the Most Points in the 2022 Spring Show – receive $10-$35, Floral Art receive $50.
Champion of Show Awards – receive certificate only
Most points overall Class A - L – not acknowledged
I have attached a summary of suggestions and actions that I feel would improve our show.
Kind regards
Jillian Plester
Show Secretary
Rose Society of Western Australia