Membership is current for a Financial Year from 1st July until 30th June the following year (or part thereof).
New Membership (single or joint - 2 persons) costs $45.
Membership Renewal (single or joint - 2 persons) costs $35.
By becoming a member, you are welcome to attend our regular monthly meetings, and you will also receive the publication "The Australian Rose Annual", plus an email copy of our Western Australian Newsletters which will be published in March, June, September and December.
Subscriptions are due and payable on the 1st of July each year.
Come along to a couple of our meetings at the South Perth Community Centre for free and meet our members. If you decide you like us and would like to join the RSWA, you can either fill in the below Membership Form online, then go to your online banking and pay directly into our account - details below:
Rose Society of Western Australia Inc.
BSB: 036078
Account No: 589104
Bank: Westpac
Please include a Reference that will appear on our Bank Statement. eg Your Name/Mship
OR, come along to another meeting and ask at the front desk for a Membership Form. Payment can then be made by Cash, or Credit Card at the venue.
OR, make out your cheque to Rose Society of Western Australia Inc and send to:
Membership Secretary
7 Willow Tree Drive
Kewdale WA 6105
Please send a covering letter with your name and let us know that you have completed the online Membership Form.