Diamond Jubilee
Our monthly meetings are packed with exciting activities:
🌹 Guest Speaker: Enjoy informative talks by guest speakers (when available). Check details for upcoming meetings.
🌹 Question and Answer Session: Get your rose-related queries answered by our knowledgeable rosarians. Do you want to find out about diseases your roses may have, or do you have chilli thrips on roses, aphids on roses, want to know about the best spray for roses or how to prune roses.
🌹 Door Prize: Win a rose bush or one of the many other prizes on offer.
🌹 Bench Your Roses: Learn how to prepare your roses for judging with the help of experienced members. Bring your roses by 6.45pm. The National Convention is happening here in South Perth in October and we want to help you learn how to showcase your roses so that we can make the South Perth Hall into a beautiful spectacle for the event.
🌹 Novice Section: Participate in benching your roses to gain experience and confidence for our Rose Shows. They don't have to be perfect, but by bringing them, you will learn what judges are looking for, how to display them and how you can improve your roses. ​Points are awarded for each of the various categories, and these points accumulate for the year. Those with the highest number of points in each category are awarded a prize at the Annual General Meeting.
🌹 Identify Your Rose: Bring your mystery rose, and our members will help you identify it.
🌹 Laminating Service: Get your Rose Show labels laminated for $0.40 per page of 18 labels. Contact the Show Manager in advance so we can make sure the laminating machine is available for you.
🌹 Supper: Please bring a plate of food to share for supper. Enjoy free tea and coffee.
🌹 Networking: Connect with fellow rose growers and exchange knowledge during supper. Our experienced rosarians are happy to share their knowledge.
Join us for an evening of rose-filled delights!
Touch of Class
Touch of class
Red Intuition
Double Delight